Arash, wireless and more
Tweet This is a short explanation on how I added NS-3 (version 3.6) to Eclipse (Galileo). I use first part from NS-3 Wiki Adding Mercurial to Eclipse First download eclipse IDE for C++ developers from * Install eclipse into you operating system * Install mercurial eclipse plugin: – Go to help->software update – Click […]
Tweet ACTION: [s|r|D]: s — sent, r — received, D — dropped WHEN: the time when the action happened WHERE: the node where the action happened LAYER: AGT — application, RTR — routing, LL — link layer (ARP is done here) IFQ — outgoing packet queue (between link and mac layer) MAC — mac, PHY […]
Tweet A very good article about OFDM and OFDMA : 3G and 4G Wireless Blog: OFDM and OFDMA: The Difference.
Tweet For me it was not easy to have Bookmark bar and a toolbar visible and still not thinking about those spaces wasted under them, so I tried these Safari style for Firefox which helped me to save some space, you can have “Hide menu” plug-in to as well. Thanks for Installing the new Foxdie!.
Tweet Years ago we could listen to part of the concert from its poster in Sci-Fi Movies, and now it is really possible. Smart posters are equipped with a tag to provide a wide range of information such as audio, video, phone number, contact information, map or simply text. Suppose you find a smart poster […]
Tweet E-payment or e-wallet which is actually implemented as m-wallet is the biggest shot of NFC. Use of m-wallet in e-ticketing is replacing the current payment method such as mobile (SMS, web based) payment or using traditional plastic card. New generations of contactless Mastercard (paypass) or Visa (paywave) cards are available in market for […]
In: My notes|Photography
19 Oct 2009Tweet Street at night passgin ront light car trail, originally uploaded by arash_m. I like photos at night and long open shutter pictures… this is the street behind our building.
Tweet A balanced amplifier has two amplifying devices that are run in quadrature. That is, they are operating 90 degrees apart in transmission phase. A quadrature coupler or splitter on the input phase-shifts the two signals 90 degrees at the amplifier inputs, then a second quadrature coupler on the output “un-phase-shifts” the signals at the […]
In: My notes
18 Oct 2009Tweet Obviously it is not an easy life for viruses in a linux box, read the article it’s well explained. The short life and hard times of a Linux virus
Tweet After installed this plugin and tried to activate instead of dashboard I got an error message ” …The used table type doesn’t support FULLTEXT indexes…” DO NOT PANIC read below : If you receive an error like “The YARPP database has an error which could not be fixed.” or “…The used table type doesn’t […]
In addition to a daily blog I will try to add our works in wireless network and data communication projects for our courses here