Arash, wireless and more
Tweet All the packages you need to install prior to using the NS-3 (3.6 and greater) can be found here: The last packages to install are necessary to run PyViz the animator.
Tweet You can scan through headers like this: PacketMetadata::ItemIterator metadataIterator = copy->BeginItem(); PacketMetadata::Item item; while (metadataIterator.HasNext()) { item = metadataIterator.Next(); NS_LOG_FUNCTION(“item name: ” << item.tid.GetName()); if(item.tid.GetName() == “ns3::Ipv4Header”) { NS_LOG_DEBUG(“Header Found”); m_isIpv4HeaderFound = true; break; } } In above code I tried to find Ipv4Header And it is possible to access it like: if (m_isIpv4HeaderFound) […]
Tweet This is a short explanation on how I added NS-3 (version 3.6) to Eclipse (Galileo). I use first part from NS-3 Wiki Adding Mercurial to Eclipse First download eclipse IDE for C++ developers from * Install eclipse into you operating system * Install mercurial eclipse plugin: – Go to help->software update – Click […]
Tweet ACTION: [s|r|D]: s — sent, r — received, D — dropped WHEN: the time when the action happened WHERE: the node where the action happened LAYER: AGT — application, RTR — routing, LL — link layer (ARP is done here) IFQ — outgoing packet queue (between link and mac layer) MAC — mac, PHY […]
Tweet After lots of googling I got this useful blog with lots of must-to-have links for NS2, ZigBee and most of the tools to do the simulation. We are going to have a course project for network simulation on WPAN and ZigBee and these rare resources are very handy to start with. NS2 for IEEE […]
In addition to a daily blog I will try to add our works in wireless network and data communication projects for our courses here