Arash, wireless and more
This is a short explanation on how I added NS-3 (version 3.6) to Eclipse (Galileo). I use first part from NS-3 Wiki
Adding Mercurial to Eclipse
First download eclipse IDE for C++ developers from
* Install eclipse into you operating system
* Install mercurial eclipse plugin:
– Go to help->software update
– Click on available software
– Click on add a site
– Add taken from then click on mercurialeclipse and check the box and click on install
* We suppose that you already have mercurial installed on your machine
Making a Clone of NS-3 in Eclipse
After you that you need to add the NS-3 from the repository:
Select: New -> Other, and it would be like picture below:
Then press next. now you need to enter “Repository location URL” that is:
in case you want to have different versions of the NS-3 you need to define the “Clone directory name”, in the figure below I chose ns-3.7-dev
Now you just need to wait for the project files be cloned. then you will find a copy of the project you wanted like below:
Since the folder is not know as a C++ project it is necessary to be converted to so right click on project name and select: new -> convert to a C/C++ project the rest of settings should be same as picture below:
Configuring the Build system
We know that build system for NS-3 is Waf so we need to change the build configuration from build/make to Waf. so right click on project and select the properties then choose the “C/C++ Build”.
In the “Builder setup” choose “External Builder”
Remove the check from “Use default build command”
change “Build command” to ${workspace_loc:/ns-3.7-dev/waf}
in Behavior tab, clear both “Build on resource save (Auto save)” and “Build (Incremental build)
Now all you need to do is to push apply and Ok. you will notice that Waf starts to build the whole project.
UPDATE: Here are some good videos By Reza P. Rezavni on how to have NS-3 on OpenSUSE
In addition to a daily blog I will try to add our works in wireless network and data communication projects for our courses here
8 Responses to NS-3 (NS3) And Eclipse (Part I)
André Cardote
February 8th, 2010 at 10:35 pm
Can you debug using eclipse this way?
February 17th, 2010 at 3:01 pm
Well I have not tried it yet
March 25th, 2010 at 4:37 pm
I have tryed but cant work! Having no “clone” project come out!
October 6th, 2010 at 9:16 pm
It works perfectly !!!
July 8th, 2013 at 12:04 pm
You can see my video about installing and configuring Eclipse on ns-3 in this link:
or this:
Good luck
July 8th, 2013 at 12:19 pm
Thanks for the great video Reza 🙂
January 9th, 2014 at 11:50 am
i am facing problem in configuring waf
it is generating error cannot run or path not found
May 30th, 2014 at 5:47 am
I Had a problem in installing network simulation tools
I solved that and shared them on my blog
Also, I created several videos in Installing ns-3 on Suse (OpenSuse) Linux,
You can my see videos at :
Install NS-3.16 on OpenSuse-Part1-Install OpenSuse On VM-Ware
Install NS-3.16 on OpenSuse-Part2-Install Prerequirments Package for NS-3.16
Install NS-3.16 on OpenSuse-Part3-Install NS-3.16 and Run Example
Install and configure Eclipse IDE on ns-3
I hope it is useful