Arash, wireless and more
After lots of googling I got this useful blog with lots of must-to-have links for NS2, ZigBee and most of the tools to do the simulation.
We are going to have a course project for network simulation on WPAN and ZigBee and these rare resources are very handy to start with.
NS2 for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee LR-WPANs :
In addition to a daily blog I will try to add our works in wireless network and data communication projects for our courses here
2 Responses to NS2 ,ZigBee and WPAN « Udin Harun
February 28th, 2015 at 7:02 pm
i am doing project on lowrate WPAN (Zigbee) using star,cluster tree and mesh topology i can apply routing algorithms like aodv dsdv , dsr and olsr…..
any can help me
February 28th, 2015 at 7:04 pm
how can create end node ie (RFD) in topology.
please help me……
thank you…………………..